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BBM Beta Dark Style - Connected

Fuel Beta Dark Style - Connected Buddy android waras sharing this time still on the topic of the latest fuel MOD , MOD fuel I dedicate the work of San IruleStar Beta fuel entitled Dark Style - Connected.BBM MOD is equipped with several additional features make it look more attractive fuel and worth a try for my friend as well. Like what full display ? can be tried alone .
Global information:
Requires : Android 4.0 and up
Size : 20:24 MB
Device tester : Nokia N9 ( NitDroid Alpha4 - ICS ) ( Alpha5 - JB )

What is in this MOD :
- FIX Can not open after reboot n ' force stop via settings
- Dark skin . safe your battery

Download BBM Beta Dark Style - Connected
Download Disini
MOD By: IruleStar San
Credits :- Allah S.W.T yang telah memberi kesahatan selalu
- Rikri Rikardo (Team Begal)
- mr Wahid yang
- Angga Syahputra (Thanks for Link)
- Official BBM
NB: Hargai Newbe ini. Jangan buat mirror untuk files. boleh share asal jangan lupa cantumkan sumber.

Cara Install :
For Rooted Device

Install dan buka titanium backup ( Click disini untuk Download )
lalu masuk TAB Backup/Restore
lalu cari App BBM lama kamu
Lalu click Backup!
lalu install BBM-Beta ini
masuk ke Titanium backup dan cari lagi apps BBM, lalu click restore data only
Done For unRooted device

Pastikan sobat hafal ID dan Password BBM kamu
kalo gak hafal you'd better die right now
uninstall dulu BBM lama mu
baru install BBM-Beta MOD

Source :

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